What is the Lawyers’ Living Room?

The Lawyers’ Living Room is an intimate, group coaching experience for a select circle of like-minded female attorneys craving self-enrichment and connection.

This 8-week program is an opportunity to launch 2021 with purpose, connect meaningfully, and focus on something positive and future oriented – building a more energized and empowered YOU!

Together, we’ll learn how to:

✔️shift mindset

✔️challenge fear

✔️ reduce stress

✔️ build resilience

✔️ enhance confidence

✔️integrate your truest self into your work


✔️own your career vision.

Program Details:

4 Group Coaching Sessions

Bi-weekly group coaching sessions from the comfort of your own living room. I’ll share a mini-lesson to set the stage for robust conversation and coaching that draws on the wisdom of the group:

January 13: Choosing Your Mindset for Success

January 27: Reducing Stress and Building Resilience

February 10: Taming Impostor Syndrome and Enhancing Confidence

February 24: Designing your Career Vision with Purpose, on Purpose

**All group sessions will take place via Zoom from 4:00-6:00pm CST**

3 mastermind sessions

Connecting with and learning from other brilliant women is one of the greatest benefits of this program. On the weeks between group sessions, you’ll be partnered to work together on curated exercises to deepen your growth.

**scheduled at your convenience**

ATTITuDINAL assessment and group DEBRIEF

The Energy Leadership Index Assessment is an attitudinal assessment that provides rich insight into how your attitudes, beliefs and perspectives are propelling you forward, and in some ways may be holding you back. By revealing deep insights into how you’re currently spending your energy, you’ll empower yourself to choose your mindset for success.

**I’m a Certified Master Practitioner of Energy Leadership™**

1 Private Coaching Session

Membership includes 1 private coaching session to discuss the biggest thing getting in your way of living your best life as a lawyer. We’ll identify beliefs keeping you stuck and chart a path forward.

Private Facebook Community

As a member of the Lawyers’ Living Room, you’ll gain exclusive access to my private community of badass female attorneys — all clients and program participants — for ongoing support, accountability, community and exclusive events and programs. 

Participation is by application only and limited to 6 participants.

Investment: $1499

I want in!

Lauren Cohen leadership coaching

Hi, I’m Lauren!

Thanks for checking out the Lawyers’ Living Room!

I created this program just for you – a high-achiever who wants to actually enjoy your life as a practicing attorney. I know what you’re going through because I am you.

For ten years, I was a commercial litigator. I was good at lawyering, and by all objective measurements, I was thriving. But despite my outward picture of success, I didn’t feel successful on the inside. Instead, I was drained, dimmed down and burned out. I knew I couldn’t sustain that feeling forever, but I felt stuck and without options. I was moving at such a frenetic pace. I feared that if I stopped to even process, everything would fall apart.

Finally, I invested the time in myself.

And what I realized, in partnership with my own coach, is that I was in control all along, I just never realized it. The only thing that got in my way was my own thoughts. The same is true for you.

I had to rewire my thinking. I learned tools that allowed me to consciously choose my mindset to reduce my stress and anxiety. From there, I got clearer on who I am, how I want to show up in my work, and how to integrate my work with my life so I can truly thrive.

I now help lawyers achieve their own transformation. Whatever life you wish you could have as a lawyer is available to you. And I will show you how to get it!

On a more personal note…there’s nothing I love more than a good read, a sweaty yoga class, and deep, engaging conversation. I have two little ones who keep me on my toes. Coffee shops are my happy place. And I’m pretty sure I was French in a past life.

If you’re ready to own your work experience, join me in the Lawyers’ Living Room!


Benefits you’ll get from participating:

Free your mind of your thoughts by sharing in a safe space

Learn a tangible framework to reduce stress and build resilience

Understand how to effectively manage your energy

Break yourself of overthinking and internalizing

Build your confidence by exploring who you truly are at your core

Own who you really are at work

Redefine success on your own terms

Create a career vision that feels good and is integrated with your life

Connect with a community of like-minded women who support one another without judgment and hold one another accountable.

Is the Lawyers’ Living Room for You?


  • You’re a high-achieving female attorney with roughly 8-12 years of professional experience.

  • You believe deeply in hard work, but sometimes work feels like more of a battle than it should be.

  • Somewhere on the path to “success,” you stopped feeling satisfied and fulfilled.

  • You’re stressed, anxious, or on the brink of burn out.

  • You’re tired of the status quo and crave purpose and happiness in your work. And to relax! 

  • You’re committed to your own growth and ready to make an investment in yourself.


  • You’re not ready to challenge your own beliefs.
  • You resist the idea of taking ownership over your work experience.
  • You won’t actively engage or share vulnerably with the group.
  • You can’t commit to participating meaningfully in all aspects of the program.
  • You’re a Debbie-Downer, Negative-Nancy, or Whiny-Wilma – no exceptions!




Here’s what Past Participants Have to Say:

“What you get out of the group will probably surprise you in a wonderful way and provide you with awareness and inspiration moving forward. It’s a safe space to grow, and it’s comforting to know that everyone goes through similar lessons, even if they come in the form of different experiences. The tools that you learn with Lauren will be valuable for your journey.” 

– Lindsey W., Law Firm Partner

“I LOVED this program. I was really excited about it but went in with zero expectations, and I find myself every day putting something to use, so THANK YOU!”


– Lauren B., General Counsel of Healthcare Company

“It was helpful to dedicate the time to think about things that have been percolating for a long time, but that I never took the time to address. I enjoyed reflecting together with other female lawyers who are similarly situated. The program taught me to be more mindful of how I react and how anxiety shows up unnecessarily in my life.”


– Lauren D., Law Firm Senior Associate 

“I truly and fully enjoyed my experience in the Lawyers’ Living Room. It was a warm, vulnerable space and well worth the time and investment to learn how my choices affect my well-being.”


– Ashtyn K., Law Firm Senior Associate 

“As a former attorney who listened to her inner voice and became proactive in making changes in her life to be more true to herself, Lauren is totally relatable. I loved learning the Energy Leadership framework as a tool to address my inner gremlins and access a higher level of energy. I finished the program feeling empowered and energized.”


– Rachel B., Law Firm Senior Associate 

You’ve Got Questions? I Have Answers!

Will there by 1:1 coaching with Lauren?

Yes, one private coaching session with Lauren is included in the program for each member. Members also get a discount on 1:1 coaching engagements.

With so much going on and the general uncertainty in the world...how should I decide whether I can make the commitment?

You’re not alone! We’re living in a different kind of world and there’s a lot of things at play. Only you can decide what’s right for you. This program is for people who would benefit from connecting with an intimate group of like-minded female attorneys, focusing on something positive and future-oriented, and getting a purposeful start to 2021. If that’s you, I’d love for you to join us!

What if my kids or pets interrupt?

I ask that you try to minimize distractions and commit to actively engaging with the group, but cameos by kids and pets are welcome (you may even see mine!). 

How can I be sure that things I share with the group will be kept confidential?

Great question! Confidentiality is of utmost importance. Not only is confidentiality ingrained in me as a lawyer, but as an ICF certified coach (the gold standard in coach credentialing), it’s an ethical obligation I’m required to adhere to. To facilitate openness of dialogue, all participants will make a verbal agreement with one another to keep everything discussed in the group confidential. Anyone who does not share in the commitment will not be permitted to participate.

What's your refund policy?


The program is intentionally designed for participants to learn as much from one another as from me, so full participation is very important. All sessions will be recorded and shared with those who miss for unavoidable conflicts. If something major comes up and you have to pull out for a good faith purpose, you’ll receive a partial credit for future use.

Satisfaction is 100% guaranteed:

If you sign up for the program, participate in good faith in every session, do all of the exercises, partnering and “homework,” and you’re not satisfied with what you get out of it, I will be happy to return your full investment. Note: This has never, ever happened and I’m very confident that you’ll be 100% pleased. Pssst…you’ll also get out of it what you put in.

Got another question that’s not answered here?

Drop me a line and I’ll be happy to answer it: [email protected].

Not Ready to Join?

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Powerful Leadership Starts with YOU!

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