Leadership Coaching

Evolved leaders know that change starts with them

Many high-achieving professionals find themselves in positions of leadership because they excel at what they do, but never learned how to lead.  Leadership isn’t a skill that’s taught.

Leaders seek my help to enhance their ability to inspire, motivate and bring out the best in others by raising self-awareness and emotional intelligence, improving interpersonal communication and conflict management skills, and amplifying strengths.

Leaders can expect to achieve the following from partnering with me:

  • Identify your primary leadership style
  • Enhance your understanding of what it means to lead vs. manage
  • Initiate change within yourself to create change in others


  • Grow empathy to connect more deeply
  • Build confidence in your capacity to lead
  • Increase engagement and satisfaction
  • Enhance performance
  • Improve executive presence

The Coaching Process

Phase 1: Expanded Clarity

Here we get clear on the gap between how you are currently showing up as a leader and the kind of leader you aspire to be.  You may not have a clear picture of your leadership potential right away, but you know you are capable of leading bigger to inspire yourself and others towards better.  I will provide tools and resources, including an Energy Leadership™ Index Assessment, a 360-degree stakeholder feedback assessment and a values assessment. We will review the assessment results and feedback together and explore how you want to think, lead and inspire differently.

Phase 2: Expanded Purpose

In this phase, we’ll explore what is possible for you. You will become even clearer on who you are, what makes you shine, and how you want to expand into your leadership potential. We’ll take a deep dive into how you can use your unique strengths to inspire yourself and others purposefully and intentionally through your work.

Phase 3: Expanded Power

Together we will partner to design a powerful action plan to create your desired outcomes.  Being able to assess return on investment is critical.  We’ll set measurable goals, plot out actionable steps and build in accountability.  At the end of the coaching engagement, we will reflect on and measure your growth.    
Every Coaching Engagement includes the Energy Leadership Index Assessment

I am a Certified Master Practitioner of the Energy Leadership Index Assessment, an attitudinal assessment that Forbes ranks one of the top ten for executives.

The ELI is an attitudinal assessment that measures how your attitudes, perceptions and beliefs, whether conscious or unconscious, are affecting how you show up in life and work. 

The ELI debrief process highlights how your attitudes are working for you and propelling you forward and may be working against you and blocking success. Most importantly, it brings a new level of awareness that you have a choice in how you respond vs. react under stress. As you raise your energy and awareness, you will remove limiting thought patterns, open up greater possibility, and become better equipped to pursue goals, lead teams of people and cultivate inspiring work environments. 

Leadership Coaching Engagements 

are typically a minimum of six months and include:

  • 360 Stakeholder Feedback
  • Energy Leadership Index Assessment 
  • Assessment Debrief
  • Personalized Action Plan
  • Twelve 60-minute sessions
  • Tools and Resources tailored to your personal action plan
  • Unlimited access via email, text and phone, as needed between sessions for motivation and accountability

For executive coaching, check-in meetings with a client’s supervisor are available at the beginning, mid-point and end of an engagement where the client may choose to share goals and milestones.  

Ready to take your leadership to the next level?

Not ready to connect just yet, but need some inspiration? 

Powerful Leadership Starts with YOU!

Let's connect